The Business Connection is the official Imagine Thomasville digital newsletter. This e-newslettter is the go-to source for exclusive content and opportunities directly from national, state, and local sources to your inbox.

To better serve our members and enhance your experience, we’ll be implementing updated newsletter guidelines starting October 4th. This change will help us align our content with intentional marketing strategies and streamline our approach for even greater connection and value.

Please find below the guidelines for submitting newsletter items for Imagine Thomasville:

Only promote level members and partners will be able to share newsletter submissions. Any connect level member may still add events to the event calendar and list jobs on the Imagine Thomasville website.
Submit items at least Tuesday each week by EOD to allow for review and scheduling. (Newsletters are sent out each Thursday by 10 a.m. (Please note that the Imagine Thomasville team has the right to change this frequency or date.)
Items should be submitted in plain text format or as a Word document or email. Please avoid PDFs unless necessary for document formatting purposes.
Keep submissions concise. A maximum of 150 words per item.
Email your submissions to us at
Please note that our team reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, length, branding, and conformity with our own standards and guidelines.
If applicable, provide high-resolution images (JPG or PNG format) with captions. The newsletter is 600 pixels wide but we can resize, if desired.